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When you’re short on time, high-intensity intervals are a phenomenal way to get your workout done. A scheme like this one below, combining strength moves with plyo power, gets the muscles of the lower body firing on all cylinders, so you’ll burn calories both during the workout and for many hours beyond (ah, the after-burn!).

For the lower body, squats and deadlifts are the best of the best, says Derek DeGrazio, trainer and managing partner of Barry’s Bootcamp South Florida. “Do this workout only if you want strong, toned legs and a rock-hard core.”

Load those strength moves with as much weight as you can move with good form—even though these are done for time, it’s not a race for reps when you’re lifting heavy. Feel free to go for broke on the plyo segments, again, as long as your form doesn’t suffer.

60 seconds regular squats
30 seconds jump squats
30 seconds rest

60 seconds left leg forward lunges
30 seconds jump squats
30 seconds rest

60 seconds right leg forward lunges
30 seconds jump squats
30 seconds rest

60 seconds regular deadlifts
30 seconds jump squats
30 seconds rest

60 seconds sumo squats
30 seconds jump squats
30 seconds rest

60 seconds wall sit
30 seconds jump squats
30 seconds rest

60 seconds sumo deadlifts
30 seconds jump squats
30 seconds rest

60 seconds plank